Like a mosaic of artful souls, gathered together to provide inspiration, insight and community; "The Pulse of Mixed Media"....this is how this book touched me. Seth's book offers us insight into the thoughts and processes that inform this disparate group of artists.
I am honored to be part of Seth's mammoth! promotional tour for his new book, "The Pulse of Mixed Media".
"The Pulse of Mixed Media" puts into beautiful hardcopy the format of The Altered Page's Pulse blog events where Seth invites artists from around the world to answer questions about art, passions, secrets and practices that make them the artists they are. The book captures art and the very personal responses of the 31 featured artists and over 100 participating artists. As readers we get to glimpse inside the heads of both artists we are familiar with and artists that may be new to us.
As part of his blog book tour Seth asks his reviewers to select 3 of the many questions posed to the book's contributors and answer them ouselves.
How has the Internet changed your artistic practice?
The internet is often blamed for brain, time and energy sucking...I have found that the internet has possitively affected my art and practice. The inspiration I find has led me leaping and bounding down new paths. The artists I know and the new ones I meet through the internet continue to push and pull me in new and exciting directions.
Do you create art to work through inner issues, or is studio time more of a distraction to keep from facing your problems?
I just need to make art...all the time...
What do you think your preferred art medium says about your personality?
Since I bounce around between medium so much...I wonder, what does this say...schizophrenia? maybe I just have so many different interests, so much curiosity and inquisitiveness that it's hard for me to stick to one medium.
SO NOW...I have a question for you Seth:
HOW do you find enough hours in the day to accomplish all that you have in regard to your book??? the interviews, the tweets, the book tour, the blog book tour...oh and I am guessing some art making too.
This period of time has been the busiest I remember and I am working and working just to keep up. It helps that none of this feels like work and it all seems so damn fun to me. But I pretty much am doing nothing but working on my book and other art commitments. Literally every free minute is spent on some detail and honestly I have been glued to the computer for what must be at least 8 hours a day. Or at least it seems like that. I am always a workaholic when it comes to a project that means a lot to me.
Thanks Seth for all that you do!!
ONE MORE BONUS...I will be seeing Seth and the other panel members at the end of the month at Two Hands there a question you'd like me to ask them for you? Let me know...
Please visit the other blog book tour participants below.
Yes, it's a great book. I bought mine from Amazon. I love what all the participating artists have to say about why it is they paint and what motiviates them. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week.
Posted by: gloria | April 11, 2012 at 08:15 AM
you are right. it is an interesting book. some of the artists answers amazed me!I enjoyed seeing the self portraits! mine would be 2 hands surrounded with paper and paint!yours (to me) would be the hands surrounded by a whirlwind of all the great stuff you do! keep it up!
Posted by: lyle baxter | April 12, 2012 at 04:51 AM
Hey there Stephanie!
I say, let the schizophrenia begin!!
Wish I could be with you guys in Co. What fun could be had.
Posted by: karen cole | April 12, 2012 at 06:27 AM
an amazing work - Seth's book
I too would love to join you all
have a wonderful time sharing...
xox - eb.
Posted by: eb | April 12, 2012 at 06:52 AM
Great post! And I'm glad to hear you also work in a variety of mediums. It keeps things interesting, doesn't it?
I LOVE your work. Am seriously wishing I had one of your paintings right about now. Keep up the great work, Stephanie! :)
Posted by: Melody M. Nunez | April 12, 2012 at 08:05 AM
I am in awe of you.
I completely adore you and your talents. I agree, the internet has opened me, pushed me, inspired me, taught me, and brought me friends...such as you.
and YES....I am skitzo right along with you too!
Posted by: deb taylor | April 12, 2012 at 09:39 AM
Love your incredible use of color, Stephanie, in both your photographs, and your paintings. Your short photo essay on the 'ghost town school' in your March 29 post "A Tale of Pozos" is delightful! Love the wonderful patinas you achieved in your altered photographs, there. The way in which you present the images of this marvelous opening, and the old walls surrounding it, reminds me a bit of Georgia O'Keeffe and her fascination with doorways in some of her paintings of Southwest pueblos. Great to 'meet' you as a part of Seth's blog hop!
Posted by: Robert Stockton | April 12, 2012 at 10:20 AM
I've had a chance to just appreciate a bit of your art and I agree that schizophrenic may just explain your art interests. Love your blog and simply delighted to meet you through Seth.
Posted by: Bleubeard and Elizabeth | April 12, 2012 at 11:28 AM
What a great learning experience this has been for me as I follow Seth's blog hop. I am very amazed at the variety, scope and expertise by all the participants. Bless you all for sharing such a creative life!
Posted by: elle | April 12, 2012 at 12:42 PM
Love your work Stephanie, particularly your tin pieces. Congrats on being in the book. Could you please ask....
"How do you each overcome artist's block?'... we all suffer from this occasionally.
Posted by: Jo Murray | April 12, 2012 at 01:50 PM
visiting your blog via Seth's. really love your blog banner-the colors and texture. Like you, i like to play with a little bit of everything-
Posted by: donna joy | April 12, 2012 at 06:56 PM
Like some of the others, I am visiting via the Blog Hop. I am glad I did. You do beautiful work, especially with the colors.
Posted by: Jon Webb | April 12, 2012 at 11:19 PM
I'm so pleased to meet you via Seth. I loved what you said about Seth, truly a treasure, and I found your answers to his questions very interesting. Certainly the past weeks have made me think a lot about how I feel about my art and I'm so grateful to Seth and all you artists for this.
Posted by: Carol | April 13, 2012 at 03:08 AM
Congrats on the feature and being part of a great experience...this sounds amazingly fun! And I say keep the multiple streams of work flowing...let it all flow. ;o) ((HUGS))
Posted by: Tracy | April 13, 2012 at 05:51 AM
Wow! Your work is so fascinating and full of color. Yes, this is suppose to be about Seth, but he's got enough people talking about him. :O) Your photo below of the empty doorway framing the tree is just fantastic!
Posted by: William Charlebois | April 13, 2012 at 11:39 AM