had to pause to catch my breath...missed a couple of posts
painted with the girls tonight, it's been a while...so sweet to sit, sip, paint and chat
a quiet morning before heading off to yoga, coffee, newspaper and watching the tulips dance
Some prep work in the garden...this is our 5th year in this space, we've been carefully building the soil and loving this plot. Sad news that they may turn this into a parking lot! We are plotting ways to save it...explaining the amount of food we have donated over the years, the community benefit
grateful for this beautiful garden space and hope we can be successful in keeping a part of it
grateful for my sweet friends and our shared time
grateful for this weekend and that I don't travel next week
enjoyed your spring like post! is the snow over for this year? who knows! not good news about the garden don't you all know anyone with influence in high places?
Posted by: lyle baxter | April 25, 2016 at 05:20 AM